Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Couch to 5-K

This is a picture of my Mom and two of my Brothers (from left to right Josh, Mom, and Joe.) My Mom has worked SO hard to lose weight after having my youngest sister almost a year ago. She has lost almost 70 pounds!!!! I am really proud of her and I know everyone else is to. Yesterday for the first time EVER we went into an Aeropostale and she purchased a TEEN sweatshirt FOR HERSELF! Yikes! I NEVER thought I would see the day!! Then later that day she "borrowed" one of Joe's jackets. (I do not think he will be getting it back anytime soon. :) My Mom has become very active doing things like Zumba and 5-K's. A year ago she would NEVER have gone to a Zumba class or hardly considered a 5-K now she has done at least four 5-K's! (The fact that she was pregnant is just a minor detail) I am really excited that my Mom has become more active, she is now able to do things with us that she NEVER would have done before. (In the picture she is about to run in the Hot To Trot 5-K on Thanksgiving.)

1 comment:

  1. Wow that is amazing! So exciting to see changes in people. I am thoroughly impressed!!
